2021 Reading Australia Fellowship
Combating Aliteracy with Australian Fiction
Further Reading
Below you will find a list of books, articles and websites that you may find helpful if you want to know more about aliteracy and reading for enjoyment.
Chambers, Aidan
Tell Me (children, Reading & Talk) with the Reading Environment (2011)
Thimble Press
Daley, Megan
Raising Readers: How to Nurture a Child's Love of Books (2019)
University of Queensland Press
Stephen D.
The Power of Reading (2004)
Merga, Margaret K.
Reading Engagement for Teens and Tweens: What Would Make Them Read More? (2019)
Libraries Unlimited
Rosemary Ross Johnston
Australian Literature for Young People (2017)
Oxford University Press
Abimola, M.O & Aramide,
K. A.
(2021) Bibliotherapy as a remedy for aliteracy in a sample of secondary school students: reports from Ilesa, Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 35(2), 1-10.
Berns, G. S. (et. al)
(2013). Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Novel on Connectivity in the Brain. Brain connectivity, 3, 1-11.
Green, M.
(2022). For the love of good stories: a narrative inquiry into a reading for enjoyment pedagogy. [Doctoral dissertation, Australian Catholic University]. ORCID. https://doi.org/10.14264/63b190c
Manuel, J & Carter, D.
(2015). Current and historical perspectives on Australian teenagers' reading practices and preferences. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 38(2), 115-128.
Merga, M. K.
(2015). ‘‘She knows what I like’’: Student-generated best-practice statements for encouraging recreational book reading in adolescents. Australian Journal of Education, 59(1) 35-50.
Merga, M. K.
(2019). Building a school reading culture : Teacher librarians’ perceptions of enabling and constraining factors. The Australian Journal of Education, 63(2), 173–189.
We Need Diverse Books
National Centre for Australian Children's
Children's Books Daily
In particular, the Your Kids Next Read Podcast: https://childrensbooksdaily.com/podcast/